Едукативни видеа за урбаното градинарство

Едукативни видеа за урбаното градинарство

Партнерите од проектот „Образование за урбано земјоделство за одржлива иднина“ во изминатите месеци подготвија неколку кратки видеа со кои ќе се обидат да ги едуцираат граѓаните и да ги популаризираат идеите за предностите и придобивките од развивањето на културата на...
Multifunctionality in organic farming

Multifunctionality in organic farming

Organic agriculture seeks to apply the concept of multifunctionality in practice in specific work and living spaces, including biodiversity, indigenous species and breeds, animal care, but also repopulation of rural areas, and increasing social and economic standards...
Agritourism and rural tourism

Agritourism and rural tourism

The difference between rural tourism and agritourism is in the criterion according to which it is defined, primarily because rural tourism implies tourist activity in rural areas, while agritourism is based on connecting agricultural and tourist activities....


Within the framework of the project Organic Agriculture Innovation Platform, we created a brand-new Curriculum for organic agriculture that also have a segment dedicated to marketing and branding of products. The curriculum is free for use by any interested course...
Successful story – Zoralek

Successful story – Zoralek

The brand Floreo was founded by Zoralek in 2015 with the support of the European Bank. Together with the digital marketing agency Nova Solution from Bitola, they have created 10 products from their portfolio, starting with brand name, logo, website and other social...
Organic certification

Organic certification

Certified organic products are those which have been produced, stored, processed, handled and marketed in accordance with precise technical specifications (standards) and certified as “organic” by a certification body. Once conformity with organic standards has been...