„Eko-Zadar“ was founded a day before the Earth’s day in 1999 by the group of enthusiasts with the goal to promote ecological agriculture but also to educate the local society regarding the benefits of ecological food production i.e. organic farming as the only way of sustainable agriculture that is beneficial to human health as well as the environment; soil and water. To this end, the organization occasionally organizes lectures promoting different forms of environmentally sustainable agriculture, be it organic, or based on permaculture principles or even Ayurvedic farming. Ever since “Eko-Zadar” supported local food and other local goods small scale producers and for the last decade organized four local products fairs a year. Since 2016 the organization is putting efforts into developing the web site alterpoljoprivreda.com in order to provide an online networking between farmers and their customers. This web site offers a possibility for local farmers to promote their products free of charge.
As organization grew and new members joined in, the emphasis was put on the issues of environmental protection. In 2003 “Eko-Zadar” became one of the Croatian NGO’s providing Green telephone service and our activists are still doing the job daily. The service consists in helping the citizens to resolve the ecological problems in their neighbourhood. At the same time, the organization started to address the problem of waste management and since that time had developed many workshops promoting reusing and recycling and eco-friendly lifestyle in general among children and adults.
In 2013 the organization widened furthermore the area of activities focusing on the promotion and advocacy of the sustainable development goals. For that purpose “Eko-Zadar” strengthened new partnerships with local stakeholders and started to carry out projects in order to facilitate new employment and self-employment in rural areas, to promote volunteering, energy efficiency and inclusive governance and to support civil society development.
Špire Brusine 12,
HR- 23000 Zadar
Tel.: +385 23 300 119, +385 23 300 120
e-mail: desk@ekozadar.hr