Едукативни видеа за урбаното градинарство
Партнерите од проектот „Образование за урбано земјоделство за одржлива иднина“ во изминатите месеци подготвија неколку кратки видеа со кои ќе се...
Едукација за урбано земјоделство за одржлива иднина
Со првата средба на партнерите од Македонија, Србија, Хрватска и Бугарија, на 31 јануари 2023 година во Скопје се означи почетокот на...
Organic farming training
From 11-15 September 2021, the Organic farming training was held within the project "Organic Agriculture Innovation Platform" at the Crystal Hotel...
Third transnational project meeting
On July 23, 2021, the third transnational project meeting was held in Zadar, which was attended by all partners in the project. The meeting was...
Within the framework of the project Organic Agriculture Innovation Platform, we created a brand-new Curriculum for organic agriculture that also...
Visit to Kamnik Bio Organic
New certified organic eggs that we received recently in “Good Earth”, were the perfect occasion to visit Kamnik Bio Organic, which we experienced as...
A successful donkey farm near Zadar: Why the donkey is a man’s best friend?
The donkey has been a good friend of mankind since time immemorial. In the past, in the Mediterranean area, the donkey was an irreplaceable...
Days of Open Organic Farms
Serbia Organica organizes the „Days of Open Organic Farms” several times a year to promote organic production, support farmers and increase public...
Organic and successful: Miss Fig from Poljica near Zadar
Poljica is a small village near Zadar where two cultural influences of Northern Dalmatia merge: Dinaric and Adriatic, each bringing their own...
Second Transnational project meeting
The Second TPM of the Erasmus+ Organic Agriculture Innovation Platform Project was held on 21 September 2020, and it started at 12:00 on-line, using...